
I went in dizzy enough that I was scared to drive, stumbling around, and slurring my words. My managers were still not going to let me go home.

I went in to work basically so I wouldn’t get fired and so they could see how bad I looked and felt. They didn’t care lol I didn’t want to go into these details with them, but I have bipolar disorder and I have been manic. Subdued mania due to a good med combo, but still. I slept 2 hours in 3 days, and finally physically crashed, hard. I was slurring my words even and could not make my brain work well. I’ve had bad experiences telling managers about my disorder, so I just told them I was sick, had been to the hospital the week before (true) and described my symptoms (lightheaded, dizzy, unable to function, etc). When I told the first manager that I needed to go home due to feeling unwell and super dizzy, her response was, “I get it. I don’t feel mentally well, yet here…

I went in to work basically so I wouldn’t get fired and so they could see how bad I looked and felt. They didn’t care lol

I didn’t want to go into these details with them, but I have bipolar disorder and I have been manic. Subdued mania due to a good med combo, but still. I slept 2 hours in 3 days, and finally physically crashed, hard. I was slurring my words even and could not make my brain work well.

I’ve had bad experiences telling managers about my disorder, so I just told them I was sick, had been to the hospital the week before (true) and described my symptoms (lightheaded, dizzy, unable to function, etc).

When I told the first manager that I needed to go home due to feeling unwell and super dizzy, her response was, “I get it. I don’t feel mentally well, yet here I am ready to work”. I never said it was just a mental thing, but she said other things implying that I was being exaggerative and/or that it was just in my head.

They told me they would discuss it and let me know what they decided. They actually just ignored me and went to hangout in the office. So I went down and told them I was not well, that I’d bring a doctors note, but that I was leaving. They were angry and just told me that I would be getting points for leaving, regardless of the doctors note.

I just finished laying in bed for 8 hours straight, no phone or any distractions, and still can not sleep. So this will be day #4. I’m once again wired for no reason and the meds I got are not knocking me out. I’m going to have to call in again. Having a (sometimes) disabling disorder and having to work is so stressful. :/

Oh, and the real kicker? I wasn’t even supposed to be scheduled and they were over staffed. Lol

My doctor said he would fill out disability paperwork for my job, so that they’d work with me more, so hopefully that’ll prevent me from getting fired. I’m usually reliable, but I could not get these shifts covered, so calling off has been my only choice:(

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