
I will thoroughly enjoy this

I've been at this place for a while now, long enough to be well-acquainted with the ins and outs. And while I'm incredibly grateful to those who helped me get here, when I leave I can't promise it'll be pretty. ​ There's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be able to do this job remotely, at least one day a week, but my boss has been so broken by the other departments' demands that he has no spine left to stand up for us, set reasonable expectations, or even condition those weak-willed fools to accept the word “no”. My car got stolen, and they told me that if I didn't come to work, I'd get fired, ignoring the fact that my job is miles away from the nearest public transit. When I get my next job offer and sign it, I'm simply going to ghost them. Uninstall the corporate apps…

I've been at this place for a while now, long enough to be well-acquainted with the ins and outs. And while I'm incredibly grateful to those who helped me get here, when I leave I can't promise it'll be pretty.

There's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be able to do this job remotely, at least one day a week, but my boss has been so broken by the other departments' demands that he has no spine left to stand up for us, set reasonable expectations, or even condition those weak-willed fools to accept the word “no”. My car got stolen, and they told me that if I didn't come to work, I'd get fired, ignoring the fact that my job is miles away from the nearest public transit.

When I get my next job offer and sign it, I'm simply going to ghost them. Uninstall the corporate apps and take a few days to myself. & if I get a call, I'll just tell them what they told me when my MOTHER ALMOST DIED: “everyone has their own problems.”

I did my best to understand what this man's motivations were, and now that I get it, I have even less respect for him. Your boss is not your friend, true, but it could be a good crew if your boss is more motivated to protect the team than they are to prostrate or spread cheeks.

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