
I worked 2022 peak seasonal at UPS

Working for UPS was a crazy experience. They hire you with starting pay of $17.50 (sounds AMAZING, right?!) your first 3 days there you’re sitting in a classroom learning nonsense, but also listening to a never ending line of “higher Up” employees coming in to give you a speech about how long they’ve worked there , how much they make & how AMAZING this company is. They inform us that brown truck drivers can make $35/hr & that they only promote within (still sounds amazing) . After the 3rd day your dropped off at the trailer door you’re assigned to & introduced to ur supervisor. My job was to load the packages onto the trailers. The work is BRUTAL. I’m a 36 year old mom of 6 – not in bad shape & it was HARD. I came home everyday covered in bruises. After working there for 2 wks I…

Working for UPS was a crazy experience. They hire you with starting pay of $17.50 (sounds AMAZING, right?!) your first 3 days there you’re sitting in a classroom learning nonsense, but also listening to a never ending line of “higher Up” employees coming in to give you a speech about how long they’ve worked there , how much they make & how AMAZING this company is. They inform us that brown truck drivers can make $35/hr & that they only promote within (still sounds amazing) . After the 3rd day your dropped off at the trailer door you’re assigned to & introduced to ur supervisor. My job was to load the packages onto the trailers. The work is BRUTAL. I’m a 36 year old mom of 6 – not in bad shape & it was HARD. I came home everyday covered in bruises. After working there for 2 wks I discovered that this company was NOT amazing – it was actually pretty awful. Start times vary- some days it’s 9:30am- some days it’s Noon. But STOP time is always 4:30pm. So yes $17.50 SOUNDS AMAZING – but if you’re only working 4 hours a day it doesn’t really help. You DO NOT get breaks- not even a 10 min after 4 hours of non stop loading trailers. You can run to the bathroom but that’s about it. & This wouldn’t so bad if the “supervisors “ weren’t standing around literally doing nothing , on their phones or eating FULL MEALS in the warehouse (while loaders don’t even have time to eat a bag of chips). I can promise you that smelling that food was torture on days when you’re really hungry & can’t even go to the vending machine.
They also are notorious for not paying you for all the hours you work. When this happens it’s YOUR Responsibility to tell your supervisor, & then harass them to remember to add your missed time b/c they’re soooo “busy”. No one can explain why or how this happens WEEK AFTER WEEK. But we swipe a card to clock in & out so really there’s no excuse.
And last but not least – they have signs everywhere that say”FULL EARNING POTENTIAL: work Sunday – Saturday to earn $780”
So yea- at UPS you can make almost $800/week but they’re gonna try to kill you in the process.

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