
I’d almost rather be dead

Honestly I don't see the point in existing if all I'm gonna do is work and then come home to browse reddit/watch youtube. If it wasn't for my cat/family i'd be long gone. I've tried all the mental gymnasitcs to try and convince myself life is worth living. But, it's really not. I'll never do it because suicide is also pointless (yay nihilism) but, it's only slightly less pointless than existence because 1>0. Sorry I'm not excited about waking up at 7am to go somewhere i don't like to physically and mentally exhaust myself all day and watch all my own hopes and dreams fade and die because they couldn't be monetized. Almost everybody is on prescirption anixety,depression medication rather than addressing the real problems. This world is perverse and working makes me not want to exist. But, I must exist. I refuse to let the world win. I will…

Honestly I don't see the point in existing if all I'm gonna do is work and then come home to browse reddit/watch youtube. If it wasn't for my cat/family i'd be long gone. I've tried all the mental gymnasitcs to try and convince myself life is worth living. But, it's really not. I'll never do it because suicide is also pointless (yay nihilism) but, it's only slightly less pointless than existence because 1>0. Sorry I'm not excited about waking up at 7am to go somewhere i don't like to physically and mentally exhaust myself all day and watch all my own hopes and dreams fade and die because they couldn't be monetized. Almost everybody is on prescirption anixety,depression medication rather than addressing the real problems. This world is perverse and working makes me not want to exist. But, I must exist. I refuse to let the world win. I will live on my terms and fuck anybody who gets in my way. I will work for myself or die trying that's my lifes goal now. I refuse to be a cog in a shit machine. Now how do i get started with opening a kratom store? Seems like there's a lot of demand for cheap safe opiods. I wonder why

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