
If everyone adopted the antiwork mindset, how would food and shelter be produced?

I have a deep disdain for wage labor as much as the next person. But I have trouble reconciling the notion that food, water, shelter, and healthcare are basic human rights that should be automatically provided, with the understanding that labor is required to accommodate those needs. In order for you to eat, someone has to grow crops and tend to livestock. The bed you sleep on won't build itself, nor will the home in which it resides. Medical professionals are needed to deliver healthcare. If everyone decided to stop working and dedicate their lives to leisure and recreational pursuits, who would fill these roles? Edit: To all the people rolling their eyes and sarcastically asking what don't I understand about this sub advocating for living wages, have you actually read the description of this subreddit in the About section? It's literally about not working: “A subreddit for those who…

I have a deep disdain for wage labor as much as the next person. But I have trouble reconciling the notion that food, water, shelter, and healthcare are basic human rights that should be automatically provided, with the understanding that labor is required to accommodate those needs.

In order for you to eat, someone has to grow crops and tend to livestock. The bed you sleep on won't build itself, nor will the home in which it resides. Medical professionals are needed to deliver healthcare.

If everyone decided to stop working and dedicate their lives to leisure and recreational pursuits, who would fill these roles?


To all the people rolling their eyes and sarcastically asking what don't I understand about this sub advocating for living wages, have you actually read the description of this subreddit in the About section? It's literally about not working:

“A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas…”

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