
If the current degradation continues, there will be workers living in tents in ”rich” western economies

Just look at the price of everything. Housing, food, basic living costs. If things continue like this, there will be full-time workers living in tents because many people will not be able to pay rent. There will be whole families living in tent camps eating canned food and freezing during winter. I predict that this will happen all accross in the so called rich western societies if things won’t change for the better.

Just look at the price of everything. Housing, food, basic living costs. If things continue like this, there will be full-time workers living in tents because many people will not be able to pay rent. There will be whole families living in tent camps eating canned food and freezing during winter. I predict that this will happen all accross in the so called rich western societies if things won’t change for the better.

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