
If you are on Twitter you are “working”.

Elon Musk is simply a fascist & narcissist. ​ Elon Musk lives in america and on earth. ​ WE don't live on planet Elon Musk. ​ He comes in buys a amazing app used for our democracy to communicate and barged in like an evil tyrant using his money as a tool to takeover and implement rules his way and onto his liking not caring about anyone else, not even his customer's demands. ​ His power trip is becoming worse every second and unless “The People” (A.K.A. US) stand up and check him he will continue to do what he wants. ​ We should promote people who run companies that promote democratic policies and cares about their customers taking everyone into consideration, not some rich guy who has a vendetta and thinks he can come in and start bossing everyone around. leave that shit in 1900s. ​ This is 2023.…

Elon Musk is simply a fascist & narcissist.

Elon Musk lives in america and on earth.

WE don't live on planet Elon Musk.

He comes in buys a amazing app used for our democracy to communicate and barged in like an evil tyrant using his money as a tool to takeover and implement rules his way and onto his liking not caring about anyone else, not even his customer's demands.

His power trip is becoming worse every second and unless “The People” (A.K.A. US) stand up and check him he will continue to do what he wants.

We should promote people who run companies that promote democratic policies and cares about their customers taking everyone into consideration, not some rich guy who has a vendetta and thinks he can come in and start bossing everyone around. leave that shit in 1900s.

This is 2023.

Today he did two things that struck me.

1) He removed all legacy checks. Not caring about the small businesses/creators he hurt and put at risk now for fraud.

2) He has implemented a policy that pretty much allows him to own ANYTHING you put on twitter. (see below)

These two things are extremely bad bad because think about this….

We work but we are always trying to either content create or start a business to escape the 9-5 rat race.

Now he just made your mission on Twitter at least 100x harder. While you work you will be:

1) Even more susceptible to fraud from fake accounts who pay for a blue check to impersonate your brand.

2) Will have to pay him $11/ month to be verified and $1,000/month to have a verified organization, budgeting organizations out of reach of most americans as 99% can't afford $1,000/month, and remember if you don't you are more susceptible to fraud from fake accounts.

3) Exposing you to a galore of misinformation from accounts with blue checkmarks spreading fake news.

4) Lastly, if not the most screwed up reason is the dischargement of your grants and rights of your content you post on Twitter.

This is so screwed…basically everything you post on the site he will own it. Tweets, Photos, Music, Videos….He is doing this because eventually he wants to train AI models to replicate your music, tweets (the way you talk and type), videos, etc…

Everyone taking part in twitter at this point is on payroll, working for free & letting this guy take notes on your every move so he can create software to literally clone you.

We can't let this guy have this much power over us. We must stand up and put our footdown someway.

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