
If you don’t know about working holiday visas.

A working holiday visa is a short year long visa available to people under 31 to work and holiday in a country for a year, you can work to fund your trip or not work at all. For Americans you can go to New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ireland, South Korea, and Singapore. Each country has its own qualifications. I’ve been in New Zealand doing it and will head over to Australia soon. After getting out of the American work force and coming and working in another country I realized how fucked things are there just in general. So if you have the chance, pack up all your shit and go take advantage of these work visas! It was life changing for me, made me realize I don’t want to live in the USA. I understand it’s so hard to pick up your life and go, thankfully I had a girlfriend…

A working holiday visa is a short year long visa available to people under 31 to work and holiday in a country for a year, you can work to fund your trip or not work at all. For Americans you can go to New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ireland, South Korea, and Singapore. Each country has its own qualifications. I’ve been in New Zealand doing it and will head over to Australia soon. After getting out of the American work force and coming and working in another country I realized how fucked things are there just in general. So if you have the chance, pack up all your shit and go take advantage of these work visas! It was life changing for me, made me realize I don’t want to live in the USA. I understand it’s so hard to pick up your life and go, thankfully I had a girlfriend to helped push me out the door, but if you do do it I’m willing to bet you won’t regret it. I met so so many wonderful people and other travelers here in New Zealand.

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