
If you have a job after retiring then you’re not actually retired

I've heard and read people talking about picking up a “retirement” job after retiring from I guess what they consider their actual job, but I want to point out that if you're working any time of job you're not actually retired. Unless you're living completely off passive income and not having to provide labor of any sort to any person, company or business entity you haven't actually achieved FIRE. Your goal should be to achieve total financial independence so that you don't ever have to work again. There's no such thing as baristaFIRE or retiring early with a part time job. Either you've FIREd or you haven't. There's no inbetween. Don't work to live. Don't live to work. Just live without work ever even coming into the equation. If you find a way to live off disability or welfare then do it. Don't fall into the moralist trap of believing…

I've heard and read people talking about picking up a “retirement” job after retiring from I guess what they consider their actual job, but I want to point out that if you're working any time of job you're not actually retired. Unless you're living completely off passive income and not having to provide labor of any sort to any person, company or business entity you haven't actually achieved FIRE.

Your goal should be to achieve total financial independence so that you don't ever have to work again. There's no such thing as baristaFIRE or retiring early with a part time job. Either you've FIREd or you haven't. There's no inbetween.

Don't work to live. Don't live to work. Just live without work ever even coming into the equation. If you find a way to live off disability or welfare then do it. Don't fall into the moralist trap of believing you're somehow obligated to contribute to society. This society doesn't care about you at all and you didn't choose to be a part of it.

Work is antithetical to happiness and if your goal is to save or invest enough just so that you don't have to work as much then you need to get off this sub. Only people who are 100% dedicated to never having to work should be posting and commenting here.

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