
If you take on extra responsibilities at work without compensation. You’re not a great employee. You’re a class traitor.

The employee/employer is transactional at every moment. Taking on additional work load in the expectation that this will garner you loyalty or reciprocity is naive at best. I have watched the worst employees refuse every ask by management to receive raises at every opportunity, retention bonus’s, offers of extra pay for additional roles. At the same time, I have watched try hard go getters take on all the extra responsibility they can handle, and receive less than the guys who refuse the extra tasks because they could not complete the additional work load on top of everything else they need to do already. I have seen those same people shocked when they expect reciprocity from the business, and get told to kick rocks. Make no mistake, there is absolutely no loyalty at the work place. The management class will promote sycophants and yea men, and turn on you if supporting…

The employee/employer is transactional at every moment. Taking on additional work load in the expectation that this will garner you loyalty or reciprocity is naive at best.

I have watched the worst employees refuse every ask by management to receive raises at every opportunity, retention bonus’s, offers of extra pay for additional roles.

At the same time, I have watched try hard go getters take on all the extra responsibility they can handle, and receive less than the guys who refuse the extra tasks because they could not complete the additional work load on top of everything else they need to do already.

I have seen those same people shocked when they expect reciprocity from the business, and get told to kick rocks.

Make no mistake, there is absolutely no loyalty at the work place. The management class will promote sycophants and yea men, and turn on you if supporting you put’s their comfort at risk in any way what so ever.

Accepting this reality, it is not hard to understand why being that go getter isn’t just a waste of energy, it’s class traitorism. You devalue and justify the demonization of self respect by the workers who choose not to be taken advantage of.

For all our sakes, learn to say no. At least until a bigger paycheque is on the table.

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