
I’ll likely never be able to take a real vacation in my life

Being broke and overworked means I have no time and no money. I’ve seen 5/50 states in the US & have only been to Tijuana (I grew up in San Diego). I have never been to the islands. I want to see the world so bad. But being in debt means I can’t do that either, at least not for a long time. Hell, I can’t even afford getting a passport. My husband is a military child so he had no choice but to see the world.. hearing about all of these other countries and telling me about his experiences is great, but I want to do so much more than live vicariously. I want to physically travel & see these places. It’s so depressing to think about how insular I am and it’s not by choice. Sigh. Maybe one day, but I have 0 hope for now honestly. I…

Being broke and overworked means I have no time and no money. I’ve seen 5/50 states in the US & have only been to Tijuana (I grew up in San Diego). I have never been to the islands.

I want to see the world so bad. But being in debt means I can’t do that either, at least not for a long time. Hell, I can’t even afford getting a passport. My husband is a military child so he had no choice but to see the world.. hearing about all of these other countries and telling me about his experiences is great, but I want to do so much more than live vicariously. I want to physically travel & see these places. It’s so depressing to think about how insular I am and it’s not by choice.

Sigh. Maybe one day, but I have 0 hope for now honestly.

I just had to vent, thanks for reading

I’m gonna go vape my feelings away now

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