
I’m 27, Have a masters degree and will soon be homeless, Capitalism has failed us.

Our whole lives we've been told to go to college, get a job and everything will work out fine. That's the biggest lie ever told to the general public. As the the title above says I'm 27, went to university and got my Bachelor's and Masters degree in an environmental field. I'm now at the point where I can no longer afford to live despite my “advanced qualifications” and having a “respectable job”. As far as I'm concerned capitalism and the government have failed my generation, you work your whole life away for nothing in return. I'd appreciate any UK specific advice on what to do, especially as theres snow outside right now and I'm scared.

Our whole lives we've been told to go to college, get a job and everything will work out fine. That's the biggest lie ever told to the general public. As the the title above says I'm 27, went to university and got my Bachelor's and Masters degree in an environmental field.

I'm now at the point where I can no longer afford to live despite my “advanced qualifications” and having a “respectable job”. As far as I'm concerned capitalism and the government have failed my generation, you work your whole life away for nothing in return.

I'd appreciate any UK specific advice on what to do, especially as theres snow outside right now and I'm scared.

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