
I’m about to be ambushed by my HR and idk what to do

So I work in hospitality and have been working in the same for over a year. I was very good at my job and had no issues until a new manager came in a couple months ago. I was threatened to be fired multiple times and was disrespected so I walked out. I However managers of other departments reached out to me, told me I was in the right and was asked to move to them. So after a messy period I did move departments. I was promised that I would sit down with HR and my old manager and I would be apologised to but that never happened, in fact hr has never even spoken to me since they started. However I've had issues with one of my new supervisors. She's very young and inexperienced (she got the job because her dad was an assistant manager in the same…

So I work in hospitality and have been working in the same for over a year. I was very good at my job and had no issues until a new manager came in a couple months ago. I was threatened to be fired multiple times and was disrespected so I walked out. I

However managers of other departments reached out to me, told me I was in the right and was asked to move to them. So after a messy period I did move departments. I was promised that I would sit down with HR and my old manager and I would be apologised to but that never happened, in fact hr has never even spoken to me since they started.

However I've had issues with one of my new supervisors. She's very young and inexperienced (she got the job because her dad was an assistant manager in the same place). She's already violated multiple workers rights which I have a little bit of proof of.

However after a night where only myself and another staff member were left to close a function of 500 people where we got out at 7am, I told said supervisor that we were physically exhausted and would come in a few hours later than usually that evening later. She was furious and reported us to HR.

Thanks to my friends, I've found out hr has already decided to side with my supervisor. She also believes that we weren't as busy as we made out to be that night even though she has no way of knowing that.

I'm not sure what to do now that the one person I bring my complaints to is already against me before I've ever even spoken to her. I fucking hate this job and i know i should just leave and not waste my time but I'm feeling very petty lately after the shit I've put up with and I don't want them to just get away with abusing their workers without consequence. Any advice as to what to do in my situation. (Sorry if this is the wrong place)

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