
I’m about to lose it.

I’ve been working for a company for five years. This company farms out security guards to different locations they run. I’ve been working at this particular location for three years. I’ve gone through five schedule changes, 16 hour days and only getting off in time half of the time. At the end of last year I had paid for some tennis classes for my son because I wanted him to get more active at six years old. It also is a good time for us to bond. My schedule changed and I had to cancel the classes and was unable to get reimbursed for that cost. I noticed one of my fellow officers, we’ll call him Mr. Bloom, he was able to get a different schedule than all of us because he said he had to go to church on Sundays. Long story short they’re trying to switch my schedule…

I’ve been working for a company for five years. This company farms out security guards to different locations they run. I’ve been working at this particular location for three years. I’ve gone through five schedule changes, 16 hour days and only getting off in time half of the time.

At the end of last year I had paid for some tennis classes for my son because I wanted him to get more active at six years old. It also is a good time for us to bond. My schedule changed and I had to cancel the classes and was unable to get reimbursed for that cost. I noticed one of my fellow officers, we’ll call him Mr. Bloom, he was able to get a different schedule than all of us because he said he had to go to church on Sundays.

Long story short they’re trying to switch my schedule now and I have a lot of things planned on my days off. I got my sons swim classes this time and I made sure to schedule them on my days off. Now that my schedule is switching with only a weeks notice, I’m fucked.

I’m about to talk to the head of the location we work at (the client). Because the company I work for told me there was nothing that they could do. That guy has only been here seven months. I’ve been here for three years. I come in on time, I do not call out frequently, I do my work immediately and I’m a pleasant employee.

I can’t keep letting jobs run over me. I understand that I have to support my family but there’s no regard for the worker here. They’ve never been fully staffed and will never make any moves in order to get people in here. Such as raising our wages.

I feel like I’m being forced to quit but I may have to and that scares me. My wife and I told her job that she could come into the office Thursdays and Fridays with a hybrid schedule and now I have to go back to them and tell them different days? This is bullshit.

I devote my life to my job from Sunday to Wednesday because we work 12 hours if not more, days. I just need a little consistency because I’m not the kind of guy that does want to see his family.

But I’ve got to pay rent right?

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