
I’m being underpaid compared to my coworkers

I was talking to a coworker recently who disclosed to me what she makes, and it’s more than me. She actually started at what I’m making now. I’ve been at this company for 3 years, her just 1. Our prior experience & education is similar and there is no reason she should be being paid more than me. Well this piece of info lead me to learn that the starting salary for my position is now more than I make after two raises. Apparently the company goes by “market rate” for starting pay and I guess it’s higher now… While I get that with cost of living and all, I’m struggling to see how this is fair for me and others in my position. I am competent at my job, I actually train newcomers. They’ve bounced me around to different teams within my company because I’m good at my job……

I was talking to a coworker recently who disclosed to me what she makes, and it’s more than me. She actually started at what I’m making now. I’ve been at this company for 3 years, her just 1. Our prior experience & education is similar and there is no reason she should be being paid more than me.

Well this piece of info lead me to learn that the starting salary for my position is now more than I make after two raises. Apparently the company goes by “market rate” for starting pay and I guess it’s higher now… While I get that with cost of living and all, I’m struggling to see how this is fair for me and others in my position. I am competent at my job, I actually train newcomers. They’ve bounced me around to different teams within my company because I’m good at my job… And it makes me completely seethe knowing I’m training people and doing more work than those who are making more than me.

Anybody have any experience with this? What do I do? Is it time to just find a new job because I’ll never get compensated fairly here?

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