If I'm on salary, which should I use to compute my true hourly rate? I get 3 weeks (15 days) of paid vacation and 9 paid holidays.
Should I subtract out 24 days from 2080 potential hours/year (52 weeks x 40 hours)? Or should I use all potential hours? I usually do not use all of my vacation days and typically roll over 5 into the next year. If I subtract holidays and vacation, my hourly rate goes up. But I am not sure if I should subtract them since it is technically paid time off.
The reason I ask is because I feel that I am underpaid by $X and I would like to divide that by my current hourly rate to come up with the number of hours I am going to not work while working from home to make up for the difference. So I basically want to reduce my hours to compensate for the lower salary.