
I’m feeling guilty for quitting a dead end job.

I'm currently working for a branch of a really large company. This branch used to be great, the top performing and best employee rating, all that jazz. But management let that all get into their heads and started to treat people poorly. Denied promotions for arbitrary reasons while still expecting them to do the work. Pitting employees against each other in reviews. Taking on more and more clients while not increasing headcount. And so people started to quit, and by the time someone new was hired, two more had quit, and so on. Eventually it got to a stage where there was never any training or resources available for long term employees as they were all given to new hires, and because you couldn't get training, you couldn't get promotions. And so the cycle kept going. That was a year ago, and I kept holding on on the chance things…

I'm currently working for a branch of a really large company.
This branch used to be great, the top performing and best employee rating, all that jazz. But management let that all get into their heads and started to treat people poorly. Denied promotions for arbitrary reasons while still expecting them to do the work. Pitting employees against each other in reviews. Taking on more and more clients while not increasing headcount.

And so people started to quit, and by the time someone new was hired, two more had quit, and so on. Eventually it got to a stage where there was never any training or resources available for long term employees as they were all given to new hires, and because you couldn't get training, you couldn't get promotions. And so the cycle kept going.

That was a year ago, and I kept holding on on the chance things would improve again, but it's just kept getting worse and worse.

So I started applying for jobs and landed a really great one! Better hours, better pay, better opportunities etc. But now I'm feeling guilty for leaving.

Our direct manager was nearly in tears in our team meeting explaining how more people have left and how they understand the pressure we're all under, and I really like the people I work with.

I'm also one of the more senior employees so if I leave I know it'll really negatively impact the whole team.

I know that I shouldn't worry about any of that and that it's not my problem, but I still feel so guilty for leaving, and I know my manager will cry/be shocked when I hand in my resignation and I just don't want to deal with that.

Any advice how to not feel as guilty ?

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