
I’m Freaking Out

Hey everyone, I need some advice on if this is normal or not. Last year, I finished my degree in communications and journalism media studies. I've been desperate to find a job in the marketing/creativity field. I have 2 internships in marketing and journalism, but have not had any luck in finding a job that pertains to my degree, even tho I have had countless interviews and applications submitted. I have had to work in banking and receptionist positions, which are okay but not really what I want to do since I really want to use my degree instead. I had an interview Wednesday a couple days ago and I thought it was my best interview yet, I was sure I would get the job. The guy that interviewed me said he really really liked me, and said I am a top candidate. It was for an admin assistant/Receptionist type…

Hey everyone, I need some advice on if this is normal or not. Last year, I finished my degree in communications and journalism media studies. I've been desperate to find a job in the marketing/creativity field. I have 2 internships in marketing and journalism, but have not had any luck in finding a job that pertains to my degree, even tho I have had countless interviews and applications submitted. I have had to work in banking and receptionist positions, which are okay but not really what I want to do since I really want to use my degree instead.

I had an interview Wednesday a couple days ago and I thought it was my best interview yet, I was sure I would get the job. The guy that interviewed me said he really really liked me, and said I am a top candidate. It was for an admin assistant/Receptionist type of position, however as we started talking I talked a little bit about my internship experience and also some side projects that I did for fun in media, including some podcasts and for fun videos. He asked if he could see my side projects at all, and I said I would definitely show him them when I had the chance. I thought this was him kind of showing more interest in my creative side for marketing, but tbh, I did not really think he would ask for them. He told me he would be in touch with me on Friday at the latest (today) about his decision.

Fast forward to today, I waited around anxiously all day to hear back from him. I waited until about 2pm to call since I didn't hear anything. He did not pick up, but texted me that he was not feeling well and that I could text him if I needed. I responded “hey, sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well, I wanted to follow up on our recent interview, and see if you needed anything from me to help make your decision.”

He responded with “would you be able to send me your podcasts? And could you potentially start Monday?”

I freaked out, bc 1. I did not have anything prepared. I am in the process of moving and do not have my computer, and also they are just like I said before, side projects for fun, the only reason I mentioned it was because I thought during the interview we were making conversation. The position does not have anything to do with media or marketing.
2. As I mentioned, they were for fun projects, if I'd known he would really need them right away, I mightve just not said anything
3. Some of the projects I have done are with friends that only have access to them, and I would need to check with them first to make sure that they're okay with me sharing them

I dont have a social media “platform” or “following,” I just enjoy making podcasts and videos for fun, and I only really brought it up because we started talking about casual conversation. I have a side business that I make jewelry for and I promote that on social media, and I have made video game walk throughs for fun as well.

The reason I am upset is because I responded with: “Yes! I can potentially start Monday. In response to your podcast question, they were kinda just a college project with friends and I dont have access to them right now, however I do have some media from my jewelry business or video game videos if you wanted those! Let me see if I can get those for you over the weekend, and what time would I come in Monday? Let me know!”

It has been about 3 hours since i sent that text and I haven't heard back yet. I'm getting anxious bc I don't think not sending for fun videos for a admin assistant position would disqualify me for a position. Am I overreacting? Has anyone else dealt with this? I feel like im going to throw up from anxiety. I have had trouble finding jobs for years now and I thought this was my chance, I mightve blown it for this stupid reason. He still has not responded.

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