
I’m going insane!

I was laid off almost two months ago. When I was working, I always thought to myself “I wish they would just lay me off so I could have a break.” Well, now my wish has come true and I’m fucking miserable. Every day is the EXACT same. Wake up, apply for jobs, clean, spend time with the wife, go to our nephews sporting events, rinse and repeat. I can’t stand all the people saying “nobody wants to work.” I’m looking for work, damnit! I have submitted hella applications and can’t even get a call back. It’s kind of fucked up how the system is set up and how it’s made me feel. When I was working, I was pushed to the brink of quitting but my mental health was fine. Now that I’m not working, I feel like a complete failure and my mental health is in the shitter.…

I was laid off almost two months ago. When I was working, I always thought to myself “I wish they would just lay me off so I could have a break.”

Well, now my wish has come true and I’m fucking miserable. Every day is the EXACT same. Wake up, apply for jobs, clean, spend time with the wife, go to our nephews sporting events, rinse and repeat.

I can’t stand all the people saying “nobody wants to work.” I’m looking for work, damnit! I have submitted hella applications and can’t even get a call back.

It’s kind of fucked up how the system is set up and how it’s made me feel. When I was working, I was pushed to the brink of quitting but my mental health was fine. Now that I’m not working, I feel like a complete failure and my mental health is in the shitter.

Long story short, fuck everyone who says people don’t want to work. I’d rather work than submit 100 applications a day only to be rejected by some robot sifting through key words on applications.

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