
I’m going to die if I can’t work soon

I’m 34 and for the last 12 years I have been plagued by multiple violent chronic illnesses. I have severe GI issues, and a rare blood clotting illness that have wrecked havoc on me. (TIA stroke, full occlusive clots, unrelenting diarrhea, pulmonary embolism). Before all of this hit me I was in college for biochemistry, half a semester away from graduating. I have tried obtaining disability multiple times, even had a loved one provide me with lawyer resources and have been denied more than once. I’m at the point now to where those who have helped me can no longer help me so I’ve applied at a few places that are remote work from home. I’ve applied to 30 places, regardless of pay, and all of them have turned down my application. I have a thorough resume with complete explanation of my gaps in employment. I don’t know what to…

I’m 34 and for the last 12 years I have been plagued by multiple violent chronic illnesses. I have severe GI issues, and a rare blood clotting illness that have wrecked havoc on me. (TIA stroke, full occlusive clots, unrelenting diarrhea, pulmonary embolism). Before all of this hit me I was in college for biochemistry, half a semester away from graduating. I have tried obtaining disability multiple times, even had a loved one provide me with lawyer resources and have been denied more than once. I’m at the point now to where those who have helped me can no longer help me so I’ve applied at a few places that are remote work from home. I’ve applied to 30 places, regardless of pay, and all of them have turned down my application. I have a thorough resume with complete explanation of my gaps in employment. I don’t know what to do, or how I’m going to be able to pay for my necessary medical appointments if I want to live. I am scared, defeated, and hopeless.

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