
I’m going to quit.

I honestly wish I was making this up. I (m33) am currently on bereavement leave as three weeks ago my mother passed away. On Wednesday evening just gone, my fiance (f31) also passed away, completely unexpectedly. I phoned my direct supervisor the next morning 10 times, left a message, then called again. I told her what had happened. I'm still waiting to be called back. I had already decided I need to leave the job to care for our infant son, but had planned to just resign with immediate effect so they could sort my replacement quickly. After being ignored in the hardest part of my life though, after working hard for years, I'm going to milk my contract to the best effect and be declared sick for the next six months for full pay before quitting on the spot as soon as its over. Fuck them.

I honestly wish I was making this up.

I (m33) am currently on bereavement leave as three weeks ago my mother passed away.
On Wednesday evening just gone, my fiance (f31) also passed away, completely unexpectedly.

I phoned my direct supervisor the next morning 10 times, left a message, then called again. I told her what had happened. I'm still waiting to be called back.

I had already decided I need to leave the job to care for our infant son, but had planned to just resign with immediate effect so they could sort my replacement quickly.
After being ignored in the hardest part of my life though, after working hard for years, I'm going to milk my contract to the best effect and be declared sick for the next six months for full pay before quitting on the spot as soon as its over.

Fuck them.

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