
Im house poor and am tired of working non stop to live

Last year I (24f) bought a house, worked multiple jobs to save up and it felt like a huge accomplishment at the time. While I don't regret buying a house, I don't ever want to go back to renting, I'm slowly drowning in bills and the ever rising expense of living. I have a fixed rate but with taxes and whatever else my mortgage has gone up $300 already. I work a blue collar trade that I've been in long enough now that I make decent money, and I've quit working a whole second job waitressing late last year aside from the occasional bartending gig, but now I'm looking at getting another job again just so I can afford to be alive. I try to adjust my spending but I don't splurge or treat myself hardly ever. I pay bills and buy groceries, thats all i have money for now.…

Last year I (24f) bought a house, worked multiple jobs to save up and it felt like a huge accomplishment at the time. While I don't regret buying a house, I don't ever want to go back to renting, I'm slowly drowning in bills and the ever rising expense of living. I have a fixed rate but with taxes and whatever else my mortgage has gone up $300 already. I work a blue collar trade that I've been in long enough now that I make decent money, and I've quit working a whole second job waitressing late last year aside from the occasional bartending gig, but now I'm looking at getting another job again just so I can afford to be alive. I try to adjust my spending but I don't splurge or treat myself hardly ever. I pay bills and buy groceries, thats all i have money for now. I'm behind on the mortgage and my AC doesn't work so I've just lived with having an 80° house all summer. I'm dreading working 70-80 hour weeks again because I just feel so internally exhausted, but I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, less money or less energy. I'm full of spite and anger that I've worked so hard from being homeless as a teenager to being a homeowner in my early 20s, and I'm still one wrong move away from being homeless. I'm taxed to death and I'm overworked and I'm not thriving, and I'm pissed off that I need to work to literal exhaustion to get ahead.

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