
I’m incredibly exaughsted

Hey, everyone ove never posted here before, but I thought I'd give it a shot. For some context, before I get to my main issues, I have never had a decent amount of money. When I was living with my parents, I skipped meals so my siblings could eat. I got my first job at fourteen so I could help pay bills. I got soft kicked out of my parents' place and went through my savings in less than a year because nobody would hire me, and starved for months on end afterward because I couldn't afford enough groceries to make it to the next paycheck. The funny thing? I work at a place that puts shit into space. space. I help build the stuff that leaves the atmosphere and get paid 17.75 (which is more than minimum, but where I live, I barely afford food). I can't afford to…

Hey, everyone ove never posted here before, but I thought I'd give it a shot.

For some context, before I get to my main issues, I have never had a decent amount of money. When I was living with my parents, I skipped meals so my siblings could eat. I got my first job at fourteen so I could help pay bills. I got soft kicked out of my parents' place and went through my savings in less than a year because nobody would hire me, and starved for months on end afterward because I couldn't afford enough groceries to make it to the next paycheck.

The funny thing? I work at a place that puts shit into space. space. I help build the stuff that leaves the atmosphere and get paid 17.75 (which is more than minimum, but where I live, I barely afford food). I can't afford to get my car professionally looked at, and I'm no car guy, so it's always making funny noises and breaking down.

I'm just so exhausted. I work the majority of my life and can't even enjoy it. I work so much and can't afford food. I work my ass off, and I get nothing for it. It makes me want to give up and stop trying. I get paid the same at this place that's supposed to be Uber amazing at making stuff that goes into space and more (NDA, unfortunately) and yet they treat us with little respect and pay us pennies while they make millions.

Something needs to change, we need to lynch the rich greedy cooperate CEO's and draw their names in blood in the history books to teach people if they do it again, there will be hell to pay.

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