
I’m moving back to Mexico.

Yeah, I don't know why I thought this post would fit here, but in a way it's the most appropriate post for this sub. It's funny, five years ago, I dreamt of moving to the United States to pursue the American dream. I came to this country with nothing but $20 in my pocket . After five years of an uphill battle to “try to make it”, and after going through probably over a dozen soul-sucking jobs just to get burnt out and have my soul drained (then consequently fired), just last week when I yet again lost my job I figured this is the last straw. I am not going back to look for another one. I'm not going to ask for money to be able to pay rent, something that has gone up and up dramatically year after year. I've just had it. I would either end my…

Yeah, I don't know why I thought this post would fit here, but in a way it's the most appropriate post for this sub.

It's funny, five years ago, I dreamt of moving to the United States to pursue the American dream. I came to this country with nothing but $20 in my pocket . After five years of an uphill battle to “try to make it”, and after going through probably over a dozen soul-sucking jobs just to get burnt out and have my soul drained (then consequently fired), just last week when I yet again lost my job I figured this is the last straw. I am not going back to look for another one. I'm not going to ask for money to be able to pay rent, something that has gone up and up dramatically year after year. I've just had it. I would either end my life or go back home.

I had become blinded at what an absolute dumpster fire this country has turned into. All my friends in the US who immigrated from Latin America agree. This country has become much worse than the country I came from at this point. If you don't own land, property, or have a fancy richboy college degree to your name, you're literally disposable trash that is enslaved to a job, paycheck to paycheck to preserve your existence. When my parents said they would welcome me back, I immediately felt a sense of relief that I hadn't felt in a lifetime. I felt like a prisoner being emancipated, a slave becoming a freeman. I no longer have to… worry. I will live without constantly having to justify my existence to the man for the first time in well over five years.

South Park was really ahead of its time when it pictured a world where Americans would start flocking to Mexico instead of the other way around. Five years ago, I would've dreaded the thought of being 30 and living with my parents. Today, I'm just happy to be alive and finally simply having…. time. That's all I've ever wanted. Just… Time. It feels like you never have time when you're constantly being chased by bills and debt.

There is no American dream anymore. It's dead. If you don't already own assets, should the economy not turn around you're probably going to be toiling your entire life just to make rent for some rich asshole that decides whether or they give you the privilege to live in society.

Goodbye America!

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