
I’m over this.

I was told that I needed to go to university to get a good job. I went to university, got a bachelor's in psychology and graduated into a pandemic. My degree certificate was posted to me the month after my graduation and I was told I could attend a ceremony the following year but I didn't. I (naively) thought that studying a master's in international marketing would give me a chance at getting a job abroad but it didn't because Brexit had already determined my fate despite the fact that I had been too young to vote. I currently work in a minimum wage cafe job in a supermarket in the UK where I am bullied by a coworker (I have complained about her dw) and I can't help but wonder how the fuck I got here.

I was told that I needed to go to university to get a good job. I went to university, got a bachelor's in psychology and graduated into a pandemic. My degree certificate was posted to me the month after my graduation and I was told I could attend a ceremony the following year but I didn't.

I (naively) thought that studying a master's in international marketing would give me a chance at getting a job abroad but it didn't because Brexit had already determined my fate despite the fact that I had been too young to vote.

I currently work in a minimum wage cafe job in a supermarket in the UK where I am bullied by a coworker (I have complained about her dw) and I can't help but wonder how the fuck I got here.

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