
I’m pretty sure I’m getting let go next week…what happens if I call in sick all week?

All signs are pointing to the fact that I will be let go next week. My boss hasn’t asked for a meeting yet, but she usually does it the night before or first thing in the morning. What if I call out sick all week and therefore can’t attend the meeting? Can they still just let me go or do they have to wait until I’m back and thus I get an extra week of my salary. ETA: I have 10 sick days left and I don’t get them paid out.

All signs are pointing to the fact that I will be let go next week. My boss hasn’t asked for a meeting yet, but she usually does it the night before or first thing in the morning. What if I call out sick all week and therefore can’t attend the meeting? Can they still just let me go or do they have to wait until I’m back and thus I get an extra week of my salary.

ETA: I have 10 sick days left and I don’t get them paid out.

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