
I’m scared of becoming “that guy” at work… Please help

Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time posting. I'll try to make this as detailed and short as possible, because I really need a second opinion… A few months ago, my team's manager quit because he was offered more money somewhere else, he left on good terms, and he told me he recommended me to take his place. Honestly? I don't see myself in a management position, and I'm not even interested in one. I'm only interested in getting a bigger paycheck. In the meantime, one of the european guys is filling the role of manager for my team, a really nice, undestanding, and funny person. But he REALLY wants someone local to take the role as soon as possible, to avoid going to bed at 1am every day because he shifted his schedule to match ours for half our shift. He talked to me about becoming manager, and I…

Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time posting. I'll try to make this as detailed and short as possible, because I really need a second opinion…

A few months ago, my team's manager quit because he was offered more money somewhere else, he left on good terms, and he told me he recommended me to take his place. Honestly? I don't see myself in a management position, and I'm not even interested in one. I'm only interested in getting a bigger paycheck. In the meantime, one of the european guys is filling the role of manager for my team, a really nice, undestanding, and funny person. But he REALLY wants someone local to take the role as soon as possible, to avoid going to bed at 1am every day because he shifted his schedule to match ours for half our shift. He talked to me about becoming manager, and I told him the same thing, not really interested in the role, but interested in a promotion, manager or not.

Currently, I'm the go-to guy of the team. My team mates come to me to ask for advice on cases, ask about their schedule, etc. I'm technically in charge, without really being in charge (not a lot extra responsibility tbh) while I'm studying and getting ready for an interview to determine if I get promoted. And I try to cover for them as much as possible, correcting a mistake here and there, doing a few extra cases if we get a lot of work, teaching them workarounds and different solutions to things. And I like doing that! I don't mind… Until today.

Like I said, I try to cover for my team mates whenever possible. But earlier today, I was just about to leave for lunch, when our manager messaged me asking if I could pick up an incoming call because the guy who was on phone duty was offline. Lucky for me it was only dead air. After that I messaged this guy (my to his personal number, we're all working from home, same city) asking him why he has been offline for over 15 minutes with no explanation, especially when he's assigned to phone duty. His excuse was “sorry, my laptop ran out of battery, I could swear it was plugged”. That upset me, because that was a 5 minute fix to plug the laptop again, turn it on, and meanwhile, send a message to the team's group chat to let us know, and ask to cover for him.

Things like this happen EVERY DAY. I constantly have to remind others when they're on X or Y duty, always leaving early/coming back late to/from breaks and lunch. And I've never said anything before. What upsets me, is that I'm trying to help them, and try to be a good bud, but end up having to do extra work because of them. So I did the unthinkable… I snitched to our manager. I just told him the same thing I mentioned in this paragraph (extended breaks, reminding people of what they need to do). I didn't do this before because I expected the other guys to be more attentive, and to improve. But they haven't really changed.

What can I do? I don't really care if I get the manager role, I just want to be promoted to senior, and keep doing my thing. But I don't want to alienate my team mates, or have to tell on them again.

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