
I’m scared of getting a job

I’m 15 and I’m going to be looking for a job this spring. From what I’ve seen here, working seems really fucking shitty, especially with minimum wage being what it is. I want to go to college to get an education but I’m afraid it will be too expensive. I don’t want to work for a system that crushes your dreams and robs you of a chance to really live. I want to work, but not for 13 bucks an hour. If I wanted to rent an apartment, I’d have to work 3.5 months just to pay one month of rent where I live. Fucking ridiculous. I don’t know how other people do it.

I’m 15 and I’m going to be looking for a job this spring. From what I’ve seen here, working seems really fucking shitty, especially with minimum wage being what it is. I want to go to college to get an education but I’m afraid it will be too expensive. I don’t want to work for a system that crushes your dreams and robs you of a chance to really live. I want to work, but not for 13 bucks an hour. If I wanted to rent an apartment, I’d have to work 3.5 months just to pay one month of rent where I live. Fucking ridiculous. I don’t know how other people do it.

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