
I’m sick of people’s egos

Yeah Im sick of having to walk on eggshells because people in positions of power have fragile egos. My supervisor scheduled me, called me an hour before to say she rescheduled me, and when I called a scheduler to ask if I was entitled to the hours I was told no because I missed an email yesterday that informed me within the time limit which is embarrassing but hey I just asked, no harm right? Well she texts that because I decided to play games that they gave the shift to someone more appreciative. Now I have it in text but it's a non profit so I have to apologize and reinforce this shitty behavior. The icing on top is I was assaulted three days ago when one of our clients vandalized my car.

Yeah Im sick of having to walk on eggshells because people in positions of power have fragile egos. My supervisor scheduled me, called me an hour before to say she rescheduled me, and when I called a scheduler to ask if I was entitled to the hours I was told no because I missed an email yesterday that informed me within the time limit which is embarrassing but hey I just asked, no harm right? Well she texts that because I decided to play games that they gave the shift to someone more appreciative. Now I have it in text but it's a non profit so I have to apologize and reinforce this shitty behavior. The icing on top is I was assaulted three days ago when one of our clients vandalized my car.

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