
I’m so nervous to put in my two week notice.

At my currently job we are severely understaffed. I know I’m going to make it worse and cause more stress on my coworkers and boss by quitting. I’m also scared of my boss just being mean to me. They are very blunt people. But I’m in college and found a part time job that will be a much better fit for me than my current job. I’m so scared and just looking for any words of encouragement. Thank you.

At my currently job we are severely understaffed. I know I’m going to make it worse and cause more stress on my coworkers and boss by quitting. I’m also scared of my boss just being mean to me. They are very blunt people. But I’m in college and found a part time job that will be a much better fit for me than my current job. I’m so scared and just looking for any words of encouragement. Thank you.

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