
I’m starting to hate my job and i feel horrible about it

I've already posted this in r/trueoffmychest but I thought it would fit a bit better here. Hi, long time lurker first time poster. For context i work in the restaurant business and my particular restaurant is private owned and not a corporate or franchise type. I'm going to start this by saying that i love cooking and working in restaurants as I've worked in many before starting at my current restaurant over a year ago. I love all of my coworkers except one. This one guy is why I'm starting to not enjoy my passion. He's aggressive, rude, threatening, and just a big bully. He's almost 20 years older than me but I'm the one he constantly bullies. He's always getting in my face and yelling at me for very small things and out of nowhere. I've gone to my boss about these encounters and sometimes it's dealt with and…

I've already posted this in r/trueoffmychest but I thought it would fit a bit better here.

Hi, long time lurker first time poster.

For context i work in the restaurant business and my particular restaurant is private owned and not a corporate or franchise type.

I'm going to start this by saying that i love cooking and working in restaurants as I've worked in many before starting at my current restaurant over a year ago. I love all of my coworkers except one. This one guy is why I'm starting to not enjoy my passion.

He's aggressive, rude, threatening, and just a big bully. He's almost 20 years older than me but I'm the one he constantly bullies. He's always getting in my face and yelling at me for very small things and out of nowhere.

I've gone to my boss about these encounters and sometimes it's dealt with and sometimes it's not. They're friends i guess? Either way it's unacceptable in a work setting of any kind.

Btw I've been there way longer than him. I know the whole restaurant while he only knows a few things on the line itself. In a normal setting i would be above him in some way no matter the age. I was even offered the position he currently has. (For unfair reasons I've already voiced) so now he's my “boss” when my actual boss is not there.

Back to the issue. He's a bully with power and only chooses to use it when it suits him. He comes up with fake rules like chores being stretched thin among everyone else except him. This by itself is very frustrating. The other “rule” is a nonexistent time limit. In the year+ that I've worked there there has never been a time limit. You're done when you're done so it's done correctly.

I have a system with each station i work and now i do an extra chore that I'm not very good at (Height issues). With these systems I'm usually done first. I was not done first for the first time since my employment. To me it was no big deal as i was under my overtime and i just needed to do a few things before leaving.

This grown up school bully got in my face and started to scream at me. Like he does everyday. For no reason. He's very aggressive towards just me since he first started. He makes me hate my job and i cry because of this. He makes me frustrated and i honestly want to hurt him because of this. I'm better than that but I've been bottling this up for 6 months.

I've gone to everyone i could about this issue and my boss has even witnessed these situations. One time he confronted this guy about it and there was a screaming match. He should of been fired or something! But he wasn't. He's still there and i dread going to a job i loved so much.

It seems all i can do is just hold all this in and hope things get better but they're not.

TL;DR: A grown up Ahole makes me hate coming to work because of his hostile nature that is NEVER dealt with and I'm the only one he is hostile towards for no reason than just to prove his “dominance”. I feel like I'm not being heard by the people who can fix this issue but are choosing not to. I'm at a loss and starting to hate my passion for cooking.

P.S. i was offered the higher position months ago and then was told “we went too quickly we'll get back to this a month from now” i did what i was asked to improve on and one day i find out he's got my position. No follow up, no apology, no explanation as to why. (he was still a bully at this time as well)

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