
I’m struggling to find a job and trying hard not to let it tie into my self-worth.

I've been looking for a job for a while and can't find a job that'll train me and pay a livable wage. I'm not looking for a high-paying job since I'm post-grad. I want a job with a manager who doesn't treat me like shit and plots to fire me as soon as I begin. I know that this is a lot to ask since having a job with a positive work environment is few and far between. With how long it is taking me to find a job I keep thinking that I'm too worthless for a hiring manager to take a chance on me. This totally fucked that this is what our society has come to.

I've been looking for a job for a while and can't find a job that'll train me and pay a livable wage. I'm not looking for a high-paying job since I'm post-grad. I want a job with a manager who doesn't treat me like shit and plots to fire me as soon as I begin. I know that this is a lot to ask since having a job with a positive work environment is few and far between.

With how long it is taking me to find a job I keep thinking that I'm too worthless for a hiring manager to take a chance on me. This totally fucked that this is what our society has come to.

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