
I’m tired of posts about not working late or taking overtime or whatever like it’s a choice. Almost no one chooses to do this, we have to.

I keep seeing posts about stuff like this and it's very frustrating and condescending. Sure if you're in the top 10% of earners and can drastically reduce or even eliminate your working hours and still have enough to live and retire then maybe you should reevaluate what your priorities are if you're a workaholic. But for the other 90% of us we often don't have a choice. Most people working long or a lot of hours do so because they have to to make enough to pay their bills and survive. It's like telling people to quit their second job or to stop turning hobbies into income. It's a very privileged and elitist approach to the situation. Until we get universal basic income or at least a living minimum wage tied to real inflation then this will likely always be the case for some people. Take a step outside your…

I keep seeing posts about stuff like this and it's very frustrating and condescending. Sure if you're in the top 10% of earners and can drastically reduce or even eliminate your working hours and still have enough to live and retire then maybe you should reevaluate what your priorities are if you're a workaholic.

But for the other 90% of us we often don't have a choice. Most people working long or a lot of hours do so because they have to to make enough to pay their bills and survive. It's like telling people to quit their second job or to stop turning hobbies into income. It's a very privileged and elitist approach to the situation.

Until we get universal basic income or at least a living minimum wage tied to real inflation then this will likely always be the case for some people. Take a step outside your ivory tower sometimes.

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