
Imagine being the kind of guy who sees an employee “not working” for five seconds, takes a picture and sends it to that person’s boss

My boss pulls me in to the office today to explain that a customer apparently took it really personal when he saw me on my phone, even though my job is helping people who come to my desk which obviously means I have downtime every once in a while. But apparently this asshat was so personally offended he decided to make it his mission to inform my boss of this behavior, and now my boss is actively looking for tasks to give me and my coworkers to guarantee we can’t stop working for even a second. Get fucking bent, photographer prick. Tl:dr breaks for any length of time are for the devil, I guess.

My boss pulls me in to the office today to explain that a customer apparently took it really personal when he saw me on my phone, even though my job is helping people who come to my desk which obviously means I have downtime every once in a while. But apparently this asshat was so personally offended he decided to make it his mission to inform my boss of this behavior, and now my boss is actively looking for tasks to give me and my coworkers to guarantee we can’t stop working for even a second. Get fucking bent, photographer prick.

Tl:dr breaks for any length of time are for the devil, I guess.

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