
in a BOH meeting today, the restaurant manager was complaining about her salary and mentioned possibly her and a couple other high-ranking staff are going to start taking all the cash tips for themselves and leaving the employees to divide up the credit card tips.

Boss: “Good morning…” Workers: “…morning” (sporadic/softly) Boss: “Good morning-…” Workers: “Good morning” (a bit louder/ more voices) Boss: “I said GOOD MORNING…” Workers: 1/2 say “good morning” in unison. Boss: “Sheesh, was you guys don’t want to be here or something? wake up.” these meetings happens so often and unprofessional is a nice way of putting it. I feel like we are spoken to like dogs and berated like children. i’ve worked many restaurants before and the place I’m working now is so on it in regards to employees showing up on time and getting the job done. I trip on how efficient we are and how responsible we are in our work and personal lives. The tone and message of these meetings do not match the audience… you would think she was talking to a bunch of misbehaved drop outs who show up high or intoxicated when they aren’t…

Boss: “Good morning…”
Workers: “…morning” (sporadic/softly)
Boss: “Good morning-…”
Workers: “Good morning” (a bit louder/ more voices)
Boss: “I said GOOD MORNING…”
Workers: 1/2 say “good morning” in unison.
Boss: “Sheesh, was you guys don’t want to be here or something? wake up.”

these meetings happens so often and unprofessional is a nice way of putting it. I feel like we are spoken to like dogs and berated like children. i’ve worked many restaurants before and the place I’m working now is so on it in regards to employees showing up on time and getting the job done. I trip on how efficient we are and how responsible we are in our work and personal lives. The tone and message of these meetings do not match the audience… you would think she was talking to a bunch of misbehaved drop outs who show up high or intoxicated when they aren’t always calling in sick… hell, even if we were comprised of a bunch of lazy workers, it still shouldn’t be acceptable to be talked to that way.

Anyway, I usually don’t trip, Just another bullshit meeting led by a miserable self-important boss who thinks she works more than she actually does. However, my ears perked up when I heard her mention that thing about trying to take the Cash portion of our tips. (we do pool tipping and see it in our paychecks) She was bitching about how she gets paid salary and doesn’t get to lay her hands in any of the tips. I know laws can vary state by state, but is she able to do that? I spoke up and questioned that possibility she threw out there but she ignored it when another coworker raised their hand and asked a dumb question that was totally irrelevant. (from what I understand, it’s better to cash tip because all of it goes towards the workers) I just think it’s a shitty thing to do, living a miserable life, something you signed up for an lashing out at your workers to release tension and feel like God. & I don’t know why, but most (not all) of my women bosses have generally been nasty towards employees and treated them like Subhumans. 🤷‍️ idk if any of your folks have ever visited Hawaii, but if you’ve ever come across a proud, obese, belligerent, pidgin speaking type of middle aged local woman; that’s my boss. quite common in the islands.

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