
In my working experience

The older generations are much lazier than any other generation. I've worked construction for 5 years, healthcare for 8 and now IT, and I have to say…the laziest and rudest people by far are the older people. I am working on a project right now that people have to come into the office to pick up equipment and the older the person is the more passive aggressive they are. Not to mention they make every excuse to not come into the office to pick up equipment. It takes 5-15mins to complete total they all live in the area and have to spend one day in office per week…yet. Excuse, after excuse. I can gauge the response I'm going to get on age alone. I just explained the process to someone and then they had to reschedule an 11am meeting for 2pm without even asking if that fit my schedule. I…

The older generations are much lazier than any other generation. I've worked construction for 5 years, healthcare for 8 and now IT, and I have to say…the laziest and rudest people by far are the older people.

I am working on a project right now that people have to come into the office to pick up equipment and the older the person is the more passive aggressive they are. Not to mention they make every excuse to not come into the office to pick up equipment. It takes 5-15mins to complete total they all live in the area and have to spend one day in office per week…yet. Excuse, after excuse.

I can gauge the response I'm going to get on age alone. I just explained the process to someone and then they had to reschedule an 11am meeting for 2pm without even asking if that fit my schedule.

I emailed them back to say 'thanks for your time and I appreciate your patience in this process'

And they emailed me back… 'k'…

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