
Included in email about raise, excluded from raise

Work sent out an email and individually added people to it. The email thanked us for a great year and informed us we would be receiving a raise in x amount. Stipulation, we had to be with the company for x amount of time. I am 3 weeks shy of this time period, so asked my boss if I would receive the raise 3 weeks later. I was informed that I would not be receiving a raise this year because I don’t meet the requirements. This wouldn’t be an issue if they didn’t include me in the email to begin with. The individual add means that they went through a list and selected us. I honestly wouldn’t have even asked for a raise because they have been pretty flexible otherwise, but this is a huge blow. I now know that all of my colleagues received a raise and I get…

Work sent out an email and individually added people to it. The email thanked us for a great year and informed us we would be receiving a raise in x amount. Stipulation, we had to be with the company for x amount of time.
I am 3 weeks shy of this time period, so asked my boss if I would receive the raise 3 weeks later. I was informed that I would not be receiving a raise this year because I don’t meet the requirements.

This wouldn’t be an issue if they didn’t include me in the email to begin with. The individual add means that they went through a list and selected us. I honestly wouldn’t have even asked for a raise because they have been pretty flexible otherwise, but this is a huge blow. I now know that all of my colleagues received a raise and I get nothing.

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