
Incompetent manager screwed my day up.

So I cant give to many details becuase my employment contract states that I'm not allowed to talk about my job on social media. But my new manager is not only inexperienced, after only 3 months with the company( how the hell he got the position is a mystery) , hes turned up late for every shift, I work nights and in the mornings I get my kids ready for school, take them to school and drive my wife to work, if whoever's on in the morning is late, so are my entire family, this morning he was two hours late. I was so angry and I'm still very angry, my problem is that I'm not used to losing my temper with people and have to deal with this absolute idiot next week when hes back in, and I'm dreading it, I don't have great impulse control due to adhd…

So I cant give to many details becuase my employment contract states that I'm not allowed to talk about my job on social media. But my new manager is not only inexperienced, after only 3 months with the company( how the hell he got the position is a mystery) , hes turned up late for every shift, I work nights and in the mornings I get my kids ready for school, take them to school and drive my wife to work, if whoever's on in the morning is late, so are my entire family, this morning he was two hours late.

I was so angry and I'm still very angry, my problem is that I'm not used to losing my temper with people and have to deal with this absolute idiot next week when hes back in, and I'm dreading it, I don't have great impulse control due to adhd and when I loose it, I really loose it, especially if its something that effects my family in some way.

Theres other things this person has done that have upset me as well, ive worked for the company im with for over 15 years and have good relationships with the other staff, who have also been messed around by this useless manager in some very serious ways, much worst than my kids being a bit late for school and my wife an hour late for work.

How do I approach this, some masculine protective instinct has been woken up in me and I want to knock him out, and I know how bad my impulse control can be, I'm hoping I calm down by Tuesday when i see him next.

Its been interesting realising how much difference a useless manager can make. Weve run perfectly without a manager before now. The whole situation has really triggered me and I'm upset angry and depressed.

I suppose i just wanted to rant at someone and add to the collective disappointment with the disaster work has become.

Itll be ok, I'll calm down and just be passive aggressive as fuck with him. I'm comipling his greatest hits of totall fuck ups to send to his manager so hopefully he wont be with us too long. What's really sad is that I defended him at first told everyone too give him a chance as it's not an easy job. Am I being to hard on this guy?

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