No. No to all this. Antiwork has a manifesto written as The Abolition of Work. It was written by Bobby Black, who was a left Anarchist in (I believe) 1985. And follows similar logic to Epicurean and Left existentialism. The philosophy has fairly strict definitions, a lexicon and a goal. Which looks a lot like Barter Anarchism as described by Solarpunk and other Sustainable voluntary circles. Everything that is said on this sub is so far from anything approaching the original Antiwork movement. It's revolting. The goal was to eliminate money and coercion and create sustainable communities under Ludic and Epicurean principles. There are several project like this under way. Such as the Venus project. And it has been discussed since Sumeria. Although it was probably first codified under Lieh Tzu in his chapter on the philosopher Yang and his Garden of Pleasure.