
Indeed telling on us…

Well I’ve been with this new company 6 months going on 7. Got some industry certs last month. Wanted to update resume. Went on Indeed and added my certs as well as updated my employment. Got called in the office this morning by my boss and company recruiter and questioned as to why I was updating my resume. I wasn’t aware my employer could see this for one, and for two, how is this anyone’s business but my own? Anyone ever encountered this? Seems like a gross overreach by powers that be.

Well I’ve been with this new company 6 months going on 7. Got some industry certs last month. Wanted to update resume. Went on Indeed and added my certs as well as updated my employment. Got called in the office this morning by my boss and company recruiter and questioned as to why I was updating my resume. I wasn’t aware my employer could see this for one, and for two, how is this anyone’s business but my own? Anyone ever encountered this? Seems like a gross overreach by powers that be.

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