
Instant regret accepting the job after only one day.

It was my first day on the job. I had reservations about accepting the job in the first place, but I didn't fancy being homeless so I didn't have much choice. My boss at this new job was a huge tool, he had a very high opinion of himself. Classic gym bro, he had the straightest edges on his hairline and beard, only wore tight shirts, flirted with every girl he saw, the works. On my first day, he told me that he wants me to avoid certain foods at lunchtime. His argument was certain foods made you tired, so for optimal performance in the afternoon he wanted his employees to eat healthy foods. He mentioned the food court in the mall having some good places to eat. He said “I recommend sushi or subway, but only brown rice sushi or rye bread subs with no sauce. I don't want…

It was my first day on the job. I had reservations about accepting the job in the first place, but I didn't fancy being homeless so I didn't have much choice.

My boss at this new job was a huge tool, he had a very high opinion of himself. Classic gym bro, he had the straightest edges on his hairline and beard, only wore tight shirts, flirted with every girl he saw, the works. On my first day, he told me that he wants me to avoid certain foods at lunchtime. His argument was certain foods made you tired, so for optimal performance in the afternoon he wanted his employees to eat healthy foods.

He mentioned the food court in the mall having some good places to eat. He said “I recommend sushi or subway, but only brown rice sushi or rye bread subs with no sauce. I don't want to see you eating McDonald's or anything like that, junk food slows you down”.

I chuckled, I thought he was joking. He wasn't though.

Come lunchtime, I saw him fire someone for eating a McFlurry.

I know what you're thinking, and yes that is illegal. Unfortunately, the guy he fired was a foreign backpacker and had no clue what his rights were, so he didn't put up a fight.

That man was essentially a walking, talking red flag. I'm glad his business collapsed through his ineptitude. He got evicted from his fancy apartment and had to move back in with his mum.

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