
Insurance companies in US have fucked over remote workers.

Last week insurance companies announced fully remote workers have to go back to the office. These workers who made ungodly amounts of money for the CEOs who all seemed to have made a golf course deal to make this announcement without any input from the ones doing all the work. The employees proved that work was always completed in timely manners. That they were able to work together even though separated by miles to get complex projects done to perfection. Alot of them taking less money because of the beautiful benefits of remote work. These workers who were told time and time again they will remain remote. These people changed their whole life because of the promise of staying remote. They sold unnecessary second cars. They bought houses in better neighborhoods further away from offices. They had children or brought in family members who needed full time care. All of…

Last week insurance companies announced fully remote workers have to go back to the office. These workers who made ungodly amounts of money for the CEOs who all seemed to have made a golf course deal to make this announcement without any input from the ones doing all the work.

The employees proved that work was always completed in timely manners. That they were able to work together even though separated by miles to get complex projects done to perfection. Alot of them taking less money because of the beautiful benefits of remote work.

These workers who were told time and time again they will remain remote. These people changed their whole life because of the promise of staying remote. They sold unnecessary second cars. They bought houses in better neighborhoods further away from offices. They had children or brought in family members who needed full time care. All of which will cost people thousands of dollars to change back which of course is not going to be paid for by the companies or the CEOs

Sorry for the rant. Fuck insurance companies and the dirty, lying CEOs.

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