
Interview behavioral tests???

What’s the deal with these behavioral tests during the interview process ? I’m in field where I have a proven track record. In many ways my success speaks for itself. The interviews go great and I get to the next level. Then they make me do the behavioral tests and the interest dries up. The ones that did answer said they have specific criteria that works for them and I didn’t match it. How does anyone get hired into a diverse environment ? Of course they won’t tell me anything. Other than that they ghost me. Do they want everyone to think and act the same way?

What’s the deal with these behavioral tests during the interview process ? I’m in field where I have a proven track record. In many ways my success speaks for itself. The interviews go great and I get to the next level. Then they make me do the behavioral tests and the interest dries up. The ones that did answer said they have specific criteria that works for them and I didn’t match it. How does anyone get hired into a diverse environment ? Of course they won’t tell me anything. Other than that they ghost me.

Do they want everyone to think and act the same way?

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