
Interview rollercoaster

So I am an IT manager and I’m looking for a new role. A cool looking smaller company using a recruiter contacted me to interview. Their only stipulation you had to be on-site 100%. While I think this is dumb at the time I didn’t think it too big a deal. We had a few interviews and we were about to do an on-site interview. The recruiter contacts me 2 days before saying “sorry they canceled the role it’s really unfortunate you were the #1 candidate”. So I think oh well stuff happens and move on. My son is born early. I have tons of issues with childcare and family not being helpful so my ability to be 100% on-site is gone for sure. 3 months later they come back to me “hey the role is open again can you come in for in person”. They didn’t ask did anything…

So I am an IT manager and I’m looking for a new role. A cool looking smaller company using a recruiter contacted me to interview. Their only stipulation you had to be on-site 100%. While I think this is dumb at the time I didn’t think it too big a deal. We had a few interviews and we were about to do an on-site interview. The recruiter contacts me 2 days before saying “sorry they canceled the role it’s really unfortunate you were the #1 candidate”.

So I think oh well stuff happens and move on. My son is born early. I have tons of issues with childcare and family not being helpful so my ability to be 100% on-site is gone for sure.

3 months later they come back to me “hey the role is open again can you come in for in person”. They didn’t ask did anything change, so you want more money now. Can you still do 100% on-site. Just come in for interview. Ok why not.

So I go to the on-site and they asked how much I wanted to be paid. Said 20k over what I told them last time. This could be negotiated of course, but I had gotten two offers for that amount but turned them down due to my son being born and not being able to change jobs right then.

So they raise their eyebrows but move on, I then tell them at some point I’d need to be hybrid because of childcare issues that arose. They say ok, interview seems to go good. I go home tell recruiter and he sends back an email freaking out that I changed my pay amount and suddenly can’t do on-site. It’s been 3 months asshole. Life happens shit changes. You didn’t ask if any of that changed.

Also the reason they closed the role is they figured “fuck it we don’t need an IT Manager”. Spent the last three months finding out they really did need one. Will be hilarious if later this dumpster fire comes begging again. The answer will be hell no but it would be funny.

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