
Investigating me for performance issue but not telling me what that is?

I'm not sure if there's anything I can do here, but basically here's the situation: I am an employee of a company that contracts for the government. Today I get a phone call saying that there was a “performance issue” raised and that I need to go into the office tomorrow (I normally work at a government post) and give them my government equipment and government ID contractor ID badge while they investigate. When I asked what that issue was I was told that they could not tell me anything else. How is this legal? It's extremely denigrating (and stressful) to be told you're being investigated but that the reason for this is somehow not something I can be privy to. If they were trying to protect someone who claimed I was harassing them, that would make some sense, but since I barely talk to anybody about anything other than…

I'm not sure if there's anything I can do here, but basically here's the situation:
I am an employee of a company that contracts for the government. Today I get a phone call saying that there was a “performance issue” raised and that I need to go into the office tomorrow (I normally work at a government post) and give them my government equipment and government ID contractor ID badge while they investigate. When I asked what that issue was I was told that they could not tell me anything else. How is this legal? It's extremely denigrating (and stressful) to be told you're being investigated but that the reason for this is somehow not something I can be privy to. If they were trying to protect someone who claimed I was harassing them, that would make some sense, but since I barely talk to anybody about anything other than work when on post (there's the occasional banter about sports that I don't engage in, and everything else related to games and such I don't say much other than “that's neat” or “I played that game once” so I don't know who would think I was harassing them) it seems unlikely. Adding to my confusion is that nobody from on post has mentioned anything to me, nor voiced any concerns even discreetly to me that might indicate there was a problem. I had been talked to before about some “unprofessional behavior” which is to say someone reported that I was lifting up my shirt and rubbing my belly (I don't recall ever doing this, but it's possible that I am doing it involuntarily as I do have physical nervous tics on occasion) which I have already worked to correct. Thus, I am completely stumped and the answer I got from the guy calling me was “more information will be forthcoming” despite the obvious lack of any forthcoming.

Is there anything I can do here? They claim I will find out more tomorrow, but that means I'll have to sleep a whole night stressed out like this (I've lost sleep over less) and either way it makes very little sense that they can somehow just decline to tell me anything about this at all.

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