
Is it reasonable to expect someone to travel almost 3 hours for a cashier job interview?

I applied to be a cashier full time at this store about 10 minutes from where I live and i got the call back for an interview, now I was under the full assumption that the interview would be held at the place I was applying to work at like every single job I’ve ever applied for. But as they are giving out the information they give me an address and I didn’t think much about it (there’s several of these stores in the town I live in so not uncommon to get the address) till I looked it up and it’s almost 3 hours away in the capital of my state to the division branch. I called them back and asked if they gave me the wrong address because it’s unreasonable to expect someone to travel 3 hours one way (6 hours total) with not even 2 days notice…

I applied to be a cashier full time at this store about 10 minutes from where I live and i got the call back for an interview, now I was under the full assumption that the interview would be held at the place I was applying to work at like every single job I’ve ever applied for. But as they are giving out the information they give me an address and I didn’t think much about it (there’s several of these stores in the town I live in so not uncommon to get the address) till I looked it up and it’s almost 3 hours away in the capital of my state to the division branch.

I called them back and asked if they gave me the wrong address because it’s unreasonable to expect someone to travel 3 hours one way (6 hours total) with not even 2 days notice for A ENTRY LEVEL JOB POSITION and the lady on the phone started getting snippy with me about how I should have my work priorities in order and how it shouldn’t be an issue if I have my own transportation like I said I do. And how they require you to go there to get properly trained and interviewed but it’s not guaranteed I get the job.

To clarify I can drive there but I think it’s unreasonable to expect people to just be able to drive 6 hours total for a cashier interview when the store I applied for is 10 minutes away, plus It’s not even guaranteed that I get the job. They only gave me the option to come in Thursday and I have found someone to cover my shift for that day but I’m not sure if i will go because I just don’t think I can afford to spend the money to drive all the way there and back while missing a work shift for a job that’s not guaranteed. Is it unreasonable for me to think that its not worth it?

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