
Is my job gaslighting me?

So I started a job like 3 months ago at a restaurant. Let’s just call it “TJ’s”. I got the job pretty quickly and was happy because I was broke. I start training as a server and it’s the worse training i’ve ever had. Very unorganized and stressful. I’ve never had problems with jobs like this before until the management here. I’ve already been in trouble twice. The first being blamed for a table walking out without paying. I almost got written up for this as the table left with a 250$ tab while I was in the kitchen preparing drinks. The management tried to tell me how it was my fault but I didn’t budge and explained how I can’t control that. Today I was being blamed for not showing up to a shift that I was scheduled for within a 12 HOUR window. I put in a request…

So I started a job like 3 months ago at a restaurant. Let’s just call it “TJ’s”. I got the job pretty quickly and was happy because I was broke. I start training as a server and it’s the worse training i’ve ever had. Very unorganized and stressful. I’ve never had problems with jobs like this before until the management here. I’ve already been in trouble twice. The first being blamed for a table walking out without paying. I almost got written up for this as the table left with a 250$ tab while I was in the kitchen preparing drinks. The management tried to tell me how it was my fault but I didn’t budge and explained how I can’t control that. Today I was being blamed for not showing up to a shift that I was scheduled for within a 12 HOUR window. I put in a request for a shift on Thursday and was approved at 10 Pm on Wednesday. The manager didn’t call or email to let me know and I was blamed for not showing up. When i told her that I would like for there to be communication when being put on within a day’s notice, she said I was “asking too much.” Even the other manager said that wasn’t fair to me. They said that they will not give me more than 3 days a week since I have been “unreliable and had multiple no call no shows”. I was frustrated by this because I have never called out before. I asked her to explain when I had simply not showed up and she told me “Im not gonna go through everytime you’ve been unreliable.” According to her, I am not promised 4/5 days which I was told on hiring and in order to gain more hours I have to show I am meeting all expectations. I have been doing these things and am still not noticed. Get this, they said that they will give me more hours only if I get reviews mentioning me on Yelp or Google. After this conversation today I feel like i’m being retaliated against for standing up for myself like being sent home only 3 hours after I got there. I am getting denied when trying to pick up others shifts and the manager is talking to me in a standoffish manner instead of being friendly like she is with everyone else. I don’t know what to do. I like the job itself and the money is good. The management is so awful and unprofessional. They play favorites big time. At least one person calls out each shift. They said “it’s none of my business” that they’re hiring more people instead of giving me more shifts even though I have full availability. I really don’t know what to do. No matter how hard I work, they aren’t going to notice. Now I am definitely not getting more hours.

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