
Is my supervisor trying to make me quit my job?

So I have been at this company for almost 2 months now. I work with autistic children and I am entry level. I have worked with kids for many years as a camp counselor but not with this population. When I started the job they told me I need a certain certification for the role and they would provide me with the free 40-hour course work. When I first started it was hard but it was mostly just adjusting to the role and the kids. I guess in the beginning of starting there they have to do competence exams on you. So after my first week of training, I start working with the kids which was stressful. The third week they start the competence exams on me. They basically are testing on how well I pair with the kids and how well I’m doing with the work(we basically teach them…

So I have been at this company for almost 2 months now. I work with autistic children and I am entry level. I have worked with kids for many years as a camp counselor but not with this population. When I started the job they told me I need a certain certification for the role and they would provide me with the free 40-hour course work. When I first started it was hard but it was mostly just adjusting to the role and the kids. I guess in the beginning of starting there they have to do competence exams on you. So after my first week of training, I start working with the kids which was stressful. The third week they start the competence exams on me. They basically are testing on how well I pair with the kids and how well I’m doing with the work(we basically teach them basic social, motor, and verbal skills) so they test you on those as well. For these exams, you need to get a 90% on them. At the end of the last day of my third week, my supervisor has a meeting with me saying that my numbers are lower than they would like and they are going to put me on a program to get my scores up. I felt upset about this but I kept going. They scored me again the next week and my scores were not up to 90% but they were higher than before. Again I had a meeting with my supervisor telling me about these scores and saying I will be put on disciplinary action. If I don’t get a 90% on the next time, I will get a written warning and so on. If I get three written warnings, I get fired. Other stressors are the modules I have to do for the certification. I have to do at least 75% of the time they give me to do the modules as well.The kids are stressful of course and I’m usually with kids for about 6 hours around the day with only a 30 min lunch break.. I kinda want to leave because I’m scared I’m going to get fired from this job I literally just started. Also, every time I see these 1:1 meetings on my schedule with my supervisor, I want to throw up and quit on the spot

Update: After being with the company for a month and a half, I got a written warning because I got a 81% on my exam instead of the 90% that they wanted

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