
Is the writing on the wall?

So I've just started a new job (about a month and half ago) the company was looking for a senior position but couldn't find anyone. I applied they negotiated that I be junior due to my lack of experience. I accepted. Today my boss brought us in to announce they have hired the senior position. The whole time he is just looking at me. Felt more like he was telling me than the team. Am I about to get squeezed out? Feels like they got me in, hired over me and might turn around and be like “Well we wanted someone to fill this position and now we have it”.

So I've just started a new job (about a month and half ago) the company was looking for a senior position but couldn't find anyone. I applied they negotiated that I be junior due to my lack of experience. I accepted.

Today my boss brought us in to announce they have hired the senior position. The whole time he is just looking at me. Felt more like he was telling me than the team.

Am I about to get squeezed out? Feels like they got me in, hired over me and might turn around and be like “Well we wanted someone to fill this position and now we have it”.

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