
Nepotism sucks, pedos suck, my whole work life sucks. References????? I don’t know.

First job – temporary, summer A camp owned by a married couple who pay teens under the table to clean cabins. The husband was a creep though and whacked me in the butt with an extension cord. (Note: they haven't owned it in a long time since they sold the camp later). Second job: temporary Inventory clerk so I had to travel to various stores with other co-workers (some out of town) to count store inventory after hours. One of the supervisors had his girlfriend work there, too. In this one store, we were told to count fast and as long as the numbers were approximate, then fine. Supervisor guy (who had girlfriend) got mad because one of my counts that day were not accurate. That was my last day of working there. Third job: Retail job of stocking shelves at a corporate store. No nepotism bullcrap of anything dumb.…

First job – temporary, summer

A camp owned by a married couple who pay teens under the table to clean cabins. The husband was a creep though and whacked me in the butt with an extension cord. (Note: they haven't owned it in a long time since they sold the camp later).

Second job: temporary

Inventory clerk so I had to travel to various stores with other co-workers (some out of town) to count store inventory after hours. One of the supervisors had his girlfriend work there, too. In this one store, we were told to count fast and as long as the numbers were approximate, then fine. Supervisor guy (who had girlfriend) got mad because one of my counts that day were not accurate. That was my last day of working there.

Third job:

Retail job of stocking shelves at a corporate store. No nepotism bullcrap of anything dumb. Just minimum wage and part-time

Fourth job:

Working as a sign maker and an engraver. Yet another minimum wage job that was like 30 hours. Moved to a new city. This happened in a small shop that was owned by a husband and wife. They argued as to who was right. Turned out, the husband was a convicted pedo…. seriously. WTF?! There was a couple other cou-workers but one moved on to work at a store that his aunt got him a job at. I did NOT know about his pedo background and I worked there for several years….
Later, the husband died and she sold the business so I got transferred to…..

Fifth job:

Same job. BUT different married couple with a few more co-workers. The other co-worker who got transferred was trashing me behind my back. The husband is some AH but still logical. Wife is a cluster fuck of a p;erson who has a victim mentality, can't handle stress or take responsibility for her crap and lashes out at me (cause she didn't like me). She got this business and was hired on by her father (nepotism strikes again.) I quit after one year since this wife keeps lashing out at me.

Sixth job (current and been there for almost a decade):

Banquet server in a business that is part of another type of business (the main company) that does office stuff (??? separate from each other so I don't know). The banquet stuff is a side hustle for the main company. Yep, still there. The first manager turned out to be a pedo (wow, a reoccurring theme in my life: must be some cosmic joke since I has to deal with 2 pedos when I was like 4 to 6 years old). Next manager didn't NOT know how to use a computer well but was dating the overall president of the whole company. The current manager is a person who had an affair and is dating one of the guys in the main company and contacts me poorly about my upcoming work schedule (like 2 days in advanced).
The co-workers ….. nepotism galore!
A lot are children of the workers from the main company.
The current chef and his assistant are a married couple. Note: they have a kid that they BOTH leave to pick up so her job duties such as counting plates for a full-service meal became my job making me stay later. I have a kid too who is special needs so I can't go pick her up because I get screwed over so I have to contact my mom who has to travel into the city to fetch my kid from school. My kid is NOT kept waiting. I can tell by my work that I will get screwed over so I contact her in advanced before the school day is over. Also, my times of unavailability sometimes get ignored since the one employee (hired six years after me) get priority for not working the same certain time because he is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do (however, I found out it isn't Tae Kwon Do but Kung-fu and I heard he is not a black belt) so whatever.
One year for Mother's Day, I was told that nobody can have it off…. which was a lie. One of my co-workers got it off because my manager said to me: “She gets it off because she is a mother.” Um, her daughters are adults and they live in the same area as her so she sees them often. I have a kid who was a toddler at the time. Once I was messaged to go to work 2 hours before the start of a shift but for once in my life, I ignored that message to take my daughter out since I told her we were going out that day.
Two of my co-workers are boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. They both have other jobs (one is full-time and a professional job).
One of my former co-workers had an axe to grind against me. She started telling one of the other co-workers that I was getting a job promotion (to what???!!!!! what the heck can I possibly be promoted to????!!!! It is a dead end job!!!!!) Then it spread that this co-worker told other people NOT to do this task because she is going to have me do it. She was a key holder so….. and she also didn't give people their legally required break. Basically, if she liked you, then you got treated well. If she didn't like you, well….. she made it obvious.
Another co-worker hired several years after me, he gets priority on ALL available shifts because he is old and he dipped into his retirement savings. (Me having to pay for my kid's therapies out of pocket and my kid will require life long care (she can't be independent) so whatever. I don't make a big deal of it because it is what it is.) However, this guy is having dinners out, travels to Mexico and he takes home left over wine from work events but he is SOOOO hard done by apparently so he gets his choice of work. I wanted to know what my schedule will be in advanced but I was told that the schedule can't be made up yet because I have to wait for this guy to decide what times and days that he wants to work.
There was talk about changing my job to cleaning which is more of a permanent position with more hours BUT I am not dumb and know that will not happen. One reason why this was talked about is that I am bought in as a substitute when the person who does the job is sick and that the office company people say that I am an awesome worker who has been there for a long time. (Also, I am the only worker who does NOT care about cleaning toilets. For others, it is beneath them.) However., good thing I thought this was not going to happen because it apparently will NOT be happening since I am not a guy.
Every new worker gets hired on because they are friends with each other. Actually, pretty much ALL the staff knew each other because they are all buddy-buddy since they all grew up in this small city. I am pretty much the ONLY worker NOT from this city. Also, because of their nepotism, some call-in on shifts for dumb reasons. One doesn't want to work certain events because she knows someone that would be there and doesn't want to be seen working as a banquet server. One was hired to be a server but can't do the job because of her back (friends with the chef, his wife, and the rest of the work staff) so she gets to do bar work.

The saying of “This job would be awesome if the customers didn't suck” is not in my case…. my jobs would be awesome if people were so not nepotistic, didn't dump their tasks on me and treat me like crap. Also, this history of managers or bosses being pedo…. like wtf??!!!

Then recently, I got an email from a big fast food chain restaurant advertising that they are hiring. I am NOT a job snob. I am considering wanting to work in fast food. However, what the heck do I do about references???!!!!! They are either pedos, dead, hates me, and the current manager that I am working for gets pissy about having to give references.

I feel that I am stuck. However, I get by since I am married and my husband has a full-time job. However, I am SO over being put down by everyone else being a priority over me. I book the days that I can't work far in advance. It is April and I informed my availability time for September…. but nope, that will likely get ignored and I will still get short-noticed schedules.

So tired of this crap.

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